Signs & Symptoms of Poor & Polluted Air
Regular inspection of a home for any odors helps identify any potential pollutants or air quality issues. If moldy odors or chemical smells are coming from anywhere in the home, locate and eliminate the source. If the source of the problem requires replacement, such as a moldy carpet pad, replace it with materials that do not add to indoor air pollution.
Visual Inspection
A visual inspection can often detect mold, pollen and dust. When you identify a problem, resolve it as quickly as possible. Remove and replace moldy materials, and use HEPA filters and vacuums to reduce particulates.
Consumers can purchase detectors that will detect unsafe levels of carbon monoxide or radon. Because both of these gases are extremely harmful, yet undetectable, you must install monitors. If you detect high levels of either gas inside the home, consult a professional to pinpoint and eliminate the source.
Monitoring the health of the individuals residing in a home allows you to determine the air quality of the home. If any of the home's inhabitants develop allergies or asthma, pollutants inside the house are likely the cause --- especially for those who spend the majority of their time in the home. Flu-like symptoms that improve when the individual is removed from the environment also indicate air quality issues. Children, the elderly and immune-compromised individuals are more likely to show signs or symptoms first; take any new illnesses seriously, and determine their causes. If the house is the problem, you can take steps to fix the house or relocate to a healthier environment.
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