Pros of Water Bottles
Tap water can be just as clean as water bought in stores. If water quality is a concern, the tap water can be run through a filtration system, such as Brita or Pur, before it is poured into a reusable bottle. Some plastics contain harmful chemicals that can leach into the water. In addition to the water itself being healthier, a reusable BPA-free plastic, aluminum or stainless steel water bottle eliminates the threat of cancer-causing chemicals in drinking water.
Environmentally Friendly
Millions of plastic bottles and jars are thrown away each and every year. In fact, plastic bottles are one of the leading sources of pollution on beaches. Using one reusable water bottle eliminates hundreds, or even thousands, of plastic bottles from filling landfills or winding up on beaches.
Bottled water, even if purchased in bulk, is expensive. In 2006, it is estimated that $100 billion was spent on bottled water just in the United States. The cost of bottled water is based on the water itself -- which is highly overpriced -- the plastic bottles and the packaging. Filling a reusable bottle with tap or even filtered water is a fraction of the cost.
Besides the added expense, buying bottled water is inconvenient. If it is purchased in bulk, it needs to be transported from the store and carried into the house. Buying water on the fly requires stopping at a store. Refilling a water bottle is as simple as finding the nearest tap.