What Are Two Sources of Energy From Moving Water?
Water can produce electricity when it is forcefully pushed through a pipe, causing turbine blades to spin. The turbines are attached to a generator that produces the electricity. Hydropower plants operate in one of two ways. Turbine blades can spin through the force of the water's natural current, such as from the Columbia River, which separates the states of Washington and Oregon. A plant also can be supplied with water from dams, such as the famous Hoover Dam in Nevada, where water is collected in reservoirs and released as needed.
Hydropower Can Have Negative Effects
Hydropower produces clean energy, but it can negatively affect its environment. Dams can obstruct the migration of fish to their spawning areas, and up to 10 percent of fish passing through hydro turbines are killed or injured. Operating a dam and reservoir can also change water temperatures and the general chemistry of the water flow. This can have negative effects on native plants and animals in and next to the river that supplies the dam. Operating the generators attached to the turbines also can damage the environment.
Hydrogen is produced through the electrolysis of a slowly moving water source. Electrolysis is achieved by passing a direct current of power through water. The water then divides into two chambers: one filled with oxygen and one filled with hydrogen. Hydrogen diminishes the need for fossil fuels that pollute the air through car emissions and oil heat, for example.
Hydrogen and the Environment
Although hydrogen is currently in sparse use for energy consumption, the trend is towards diminishing dependence on fossil fuels by providing alternative sources. Using water is a cleaner way to convert a fossil fuel energy system to a nonpolluting source of energy that can be used to fuel cars and buildings. Hydrogen energy can help rid the world of the pollution that fossil fuels create.