Benefits of Drilling for Methane Gas
Supporters of natural gas drilling note the manifold environmental benefits of using methane. Though the drilling itself does use energy that releases emissions, the process itself is a productive one, and methane gas is one of the cleanest fossil fuels. By switching from other forms of fossil fuels such as coal or petroleum to natural gas and methane, some scientists suggest total carbon dioxide emissions could be cut by about 17 percent. While most proponents do not rely on methane gas as a permanent fix, many feel that it is a viable way to reduce emissions now as we search for even cleaner sources of energy.
There also could be some economic benefits to allowing hydrofracking and methane gas drilling. Many opponents worry drilling companies will bring in independent contractors to work at drilling sites, which will minimize any benefit to the local economy. Still, the companies often pump at least some amount of money back into local economies, as workers spend money at local restaurants, stores, and hotels. With natural gas plentiful in certain areas, such as northeastern Pennsylvania, many legislators feel it's possible to create a sustainable drilling industry in those parts of the country. The industry would provide jobs, tax revenue and an economic boost, supporters say.
Because natural gas drilling is an up-and-coming industry, companies continue to search for more efficient and inexpensive ways of getting at natural gas. The push for new technologies helps drive progress and has made natural gas drilling in 2011 much more efficient than it was in 1985. For example, one well in 2011 can produce as much as two wells in 1985. The technologies allowing the greater efficiency may be used to drive progress in other areas of industry as well.
One of the benefits of methane gas drilling is the social activism and democratic spirit it has inspired, opening the door for a continued dialogue about our economic footprint. In 2011, a very active debate exists between those that support methane gas drilling, those against it, and those that urge patience. As an issue many people care passionately about, methane gas drilling has a huge impact on the social climate among the politically active in regions where natural gas drilling is happening or is a possibility. This lively democratic debate caused like-minded individuals to band together and inspired protests, songs, even documentary films. Thus,