Ocean Cleanup Ideas
Basic Problems & Needs
According to Ocean Conservancy, as of 2011, vast amounts of trash are deposited in the world's oceans throughout the globe. Estimates suggest that nearly 145 million tons of trash have been dumped over the quarter of a century preceding that year. In addition to the calamitous effects this waste may have on ocean life, it impairs other functions of the oceans, such as oxygen creation, which are critical to sustaining human life on the planet.
Ways Toward Activism
You can get involved in a number of ways. By becoming a member of a conservancy group, you help to bolster scientific research and dissemination of information as well as increase community and broader awareness of these issues. Ocean Conservancy, for example, asks only $25 per year for an active membership. Another method is to petition or contact legislative officials representing your constituency. Through the group application of political pressure, you may be able to influence the policy-making process in favor of increased cleanup efforts and ocean health and sustainability.
Simple Methods
Another hands-on approach is to organize a cleanup crew in your local community. Galvanize a like-minded group of individuals to hit the beaches and pick up trash. See if local recycling authorities are willing to help through the provision of resources like trash bags, safety equipment and transportation vehicles for the waste. Whenever you are collecting trash or other materials on the beach, make sure to protect yourself. You may run across potentially dangerous materials like hypodermic needles. At the very least, make sure to wear gloves and to have a portable receptacle that can safely contain or secure the trash.
If you are a manager or boss of a business, see how you can provide nonprofit assistance for local cleanup efforts. If you have resources that can be of assistance, offer them. In the case that you are a lower-tiered employee and feel your organization could be of service, approach managers and see if they are amenable to such a project. It would serve as a good public relations message for any company through the demonstration of environmental awareness, concern and pro-activity.