Recycling Water Bottle Ideas
Construction Material
Sealed plastic bottles are not only sturdy, but the air trapped inside them acts as very effective insulation. A number of construction projects have begun using plastic bottles as a construction material, using the bottles as an internal insulation layer between two flat layers of concrete or other construction materials. The technique not only removes damaging plastic litter from the streets, but it makes productive use of the bottles as insulation and, depending on the design, the bottles are usually not visible in the final building.
Household Items
Removed from the rest of the bottle, the mouth of a plastic bottle can become an attractive candle holder, with the candle inserted in the mouth and held in place by the circular base. The base or top can also be cut off the bottle and filled with water or seed to be turned into a bird feeder or dish for a pet. Elsewhere in the garden, plastic bottles can serve as a miniature greenhouse for germinating seeds or, with a few holes at the bottom and tied on a string over potted plants, an effective drip irrigation system.
Inspired by the haunting scenes of millions of discarded plastic bottles floating in the ocean, designers in Indonesia have begun making boats out of plastic bottles. Held together by wood and nets, the sealed bottles provide excellent flotation for the small boats; the boats can be easily repaired with new plastic bottles. Plastic sheeting on the outside keeps the boats from taking on water, and they can carry human passengers and small loads of fish or cargo.
Creating innovative fashion designs and raising awareness about the growing problem of plastic pollution, several clothing designers have begun making clothing out of recycled bottles. Plastic bottles can be milled and turned into a material like fleece, a technique already used by many apparel companies, but more daring designers have also integrated pieces of salvaged plastic directly into their garments. They may not be particularly warm, but they do make a powerful statement and an innovative use of discarded items.