The Dangers of Aluminum Foil
When cooking with aluminum foil, it can occasionally get stuck to the food you are cooking. Be sure to inspect your food before serving. The minor issue with cooking with aluminum foil is the accidental ingestion of the aluminum. Aluminum foil is a product that must never be ingested. Aluminum foil in small amounts is common, but be sure to actively avoid any ingestion of aluminum foil as it does contain toxins.
If you own a microwave oven, do not put aluminum foil inside of it. Your microwave is encased with thick layers of metal that contain and circulate the produced waves, thus heating your food. If you place aluminum foil over your food, the waves will refract and bounce continuously throughout your microwave, creating a "popping" sound. Aluminum foil is great for keeping food hot, but not for heating in the microwave.
Aluminum foil is created and produced in plants. Unfortunately, when the aluminum foil is created, harmful gas and toxins are released into the air as a byproduct of the creation method. Breathing this air can be dangerous to your health. Also, the toxins released can be dangerous to the environment in the surrounding plants area. Keeping a safe distance from a plant that creates aluminum foil is a smart and healthy decision.
The beauty of aluminum is that it can be recycled down and used again. After using any aluminum foil, recycle the used pieces. Recycling your used aluminum foil will aid against a danger of aluminum foil. The chemical nature of aluminum foil does not allow for it to break down. By putting aluminum foil in your garbage, you're putting a material that can not be naturally broken down back into a landfill, or worse, burned, releasing the harmful chemicals and toxins contained in aluminum foil.