Alternate Energy Sources to Prevent Global Warming
Through the use of windmills, the renewable power of Mother Nature can be harnessed. Wind power operates via a propeller, which turns a turbine, ultimately producing electricity. This clean energy source generally exists as wind-farms, which consist of groups of windmills. They typically are reserved for wide-open spaces; however, wind-farms at sea have also become a sought-after solution as sea winds blow faster, generating a higher electricity output.
The idea of using solar power has been around since the latter half of the 20th century. The idea focuses on using one of the most abundant sources of energy available on earth -- sunlight. Easier said than done, the main problem with solar energy is its lack of efficiency. Most solar panels only convert 10 to 20 percent of absorbed sunlight into energy. Areas lacking sunlight -- and even winter months -- can lower the efficiency of sunlight absorption of photovoltaic cells by as much as 50 percent.
Energy experts can harness the power of water in several ways. Naturally occurring waves and tides in oceans can be transformed into electricity. Just the way engineers harness wind, they can harness tidal energy by creating underwater turbines. Tides can be a bit trickier due to unpredictability, but there are some wave generators, like the "Pelamis Wave Energy Converter" used in Europe, that already take advantage of the abundant energy of the ocean.
As the name suggests, "biomass" comes from biological living things -- such as plants and animals. Today scientists harness biomass by burning biological material to create steam; the steam then powers turbines to create electricity. Unlike fossil fuels, biomass does not release any harmful elements that might cause global warming.