How to Eliminate Brown Recluse Spiders
Things You'll Need
- Gloves
- Insecticide
- Vacuum cleaner
- Broom
- Sticky traps
- Glue boards
Wear gloves to avoid accidental spider bites, before you do any cleaning. Clean your house of all the untidy clutter, to prevent a possible home for the brown recluse. Use a vacuum cleaner or broom to clean up your house and to remove spiders, webs, and egg sacs. Push your furniture away from your walls and curtains and focus your cleaning around, behind and underneath the furniture. Clean behind your outdoor window shutters. Remove items from the closet and inspect your stored clothing.
Seal entrances and openings into your house that come from the outside. This will prevent them from entering and establishing themselves inside your home. Use an insecticide at the base of your house as a barrier treatment to repel brown recluses.
Remove firewood, brushes and vines from your house. These are perfect environments for the brown recluse to inhabit; this increases your chances of infestation.
Place glue boards and sticky traps flush along your walls and in corners, to capture large amounts of the spiders. Insecticide sprays and dusts can be applied to areas that are home for the pests.