Safe Disposal of Needles and Syringes
Things You'll Need
- Sharps container with lid
- Duct tape
- Scissors
- Marker or hazardous material label
Immediately place used needles and syringes in the container. Firmly place the lid on the container after inserting the item. You may use a hard, plastic container, if you do not have access to a sharps container. Choose a container that has a small opening at the top with a lid and is puncture-resistant and opaque. Plastic bleach or laundry detergent containers are good examples.
Use the duct tape to tightly seal the container, once it is full. Use the marker to write "Do Not Recycle" on the container or use a Hazardous Material label.
Store the container in an area children and animals cannot reach, until you can dispose of it. Place the container in your garbage can on trash day, or take it to a disposal facility. Do not place your container in with your recyclables. Furthermore, avoid using recyclable containers if possible.
Contact your local health department or solid waste department and ask for recommended disposal sites before disposing of your needles in the trash. Some areas have specific locations for disposal of medical wastes.