Simple Energy Saving Tips
Unplug Appliances
Don't just turn your appliances off when you aren't using them--unplug them completely. Even if your appliances are off, simply having them plugged in may use as much energy as a 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. This means getting out of the habit of leaving chargers plugged in even when they aren't charging, turning off power switches connected to your electronics and getting rid of any appliances you never use, such as that second refrigerator in the garage.
Turn Off Lights
Never leave a light on in a room that no one is occupying. The Daily Green reports that roughly 11 percent of energy bills go toward lighting costs alone, so any time you leave an unused light on for extended periods of time, you are throwing your money away. You also create extra costs for light bulb replacements, since a bulb that burns continuously will need replacement sooner than one only used when needed.
Change Bulbs
To further decrease your lighting costs, switch all your standard incandescent bulbs to the more environmentally friendly CFL model (compact fluorescent light bulb). They use as much as 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and are available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Since they also last much longer than traditional light bulbs, you will save money on your energy bill and your bulb replacement costs.
Control the Temperature
Resist the urge to fiddle with the thermostat every time your body temperature changes. In the winter, set your thermostat to 68 or lower when you are home and 55 when you leave or go to sleep. In the summer, set thermostats to 78 or higher. Take advantage of the sunlight by closing the blinds to cool down a room and opening them to warm it up. This process is made simpler with a programmable thermostat if the cost and installation involved does not inconvenience you.