The Possible Effects of Global Warming on the Earth & Society
Global warning can heat up countries located in the northern latitudes, which have cooler seasonal temperatures. As a result, disease-carrying insects can migrate north to infiltrate new territories. The insects bring new and complex plagues and diseases with them, which can decimate crops, susceptible plant life, animals and humans. Diseases like malaria, which haven't been fully eradicated, can reemerge and become even more difficult to control.
Warmer Seawater and Weather
The increased temperature of the seawater surface will merge more often with the cooler continental currents. Such a condition will cause more storm fronts, which leads to an increase in hurricanes. One such rise in hurricane numbers happened in 2004 and 2005. Hurricanes cause damage to eco-environments, result in property damage and cause the deaths of humans and animals.
Droughts and Heat Waves
Global warming increases the probability of extreme heat waves and droughts in areas not known for them. While some earth locations will receive more precipitation, other areas will experience droughts that will diminish the rainfall, effecting the growth of crops and natural flora. Africa and parts of Europe will experience increased drought activity, but Africa will suffer the most consequences because of a historic drought problem. Wars could erupt over water rights and the desire for premium land.
Polar Ice Cap Melting
Melting icecaps will account for a definite sea level rise. With a complete meltdown of the glacier snow packs, over 5,773,000 cubic miles of water would be released into the oceans. This would result in an ocean level rise of about 230 feet. Although flooding would not happen all at once, the coastal areas of all countries would be gradually effected with the rise, This would flood and devastate tourist areas, shipyards, private housing and commercial industries. Severely affected port cities would include Calcutta, Bombay, Shanghai and Miami.
Gulf Current
The oceans, as a result of the melting icecaps, would desalinate with the the increased induction of fresh water. The desalination process would disrupt the Gulf current flow, which normally cools the areas of certain continents and warms up other areas. This would deregulate the temperature balance, eventually stopping the current altogether. Seasons would shorten or lengthen, contrary to their regular cycles. The northeastern United States and Western Europe would cool considerably. Migratory routes of birds would change, with possible changes in animal mating behavior and spawning.
Food Supplies
Global warning would change the weather patterns and seasonal variations to such a degree that planting and crop harvesting would become unpredictable. Vegetables and fruits known to need certain climes and adequate seasonal lengths would die prematurely or produce stunted and undernourished crops, unfit for human consumption. Starvation would result on a mass planetary scale.
Heat Absorption
With the icecaps diminished or absent, the heat absorption to the earth's surface would increase globally. The white color of ice reflects sunlight back into the atmosphere. Darker colors absorb heat, like the ocean's surface color. Increased temperatures in the Arctic Circle would affect animals that could not adapt to the increased temperature, thus threatening already endangered species, or weaken animals indigenous to the area. Many plants would not pollinate with increased temperatures.
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