The Things You Can Do to Stop Global Warming
Clean Energy
Your energy choices have a major impact on global environmental indicators. Whenever possible, choose clean, renewable sources of energy such as solar and wind. Your energy provider may already offer this option for an additional cost and, if not, get in touch with your provider to ask for the option. Using clean, alternative energy reduces the amount of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, as well as contributes to the introduction of sustainable sources into the grid, allowing people to meet their needs without sacrificing those of future generations.
Energy Efficiency
While using clean energy contributes significantly to the fight against global warming, no energy is cleaner than the energy you simply don't use. The first line of defense against global warming is energy efficiency, the reduction of overall energy use. Consider simple household practices such as turning off lights as you exit rooms, installing energy-efficient appliances and lights and not leaving appliances plugged in while they are not in use. In addition, larger changes such as weatherizing your home or installing sources of renewable energy like solar panels or small wind turbines can drastically reduce your dependence on grid energy and the environmental impact of your home. In many areas, governments even offer tax advantages to offset the costs of these changes.
Transportation energy use is a major contributor to global warming and carbon emissions. Although the problem is much larger than individual use, including freight transportation systems and community planning schemes, your actions can have a positive impact. Use public mass transit whenever possible and, if you have to use a car, consider combining trips or carpooling with friends in order to reduce your overall automobile use. If you are traveling short distances, walking or riding a bicycle will not only reduce your environmental impact but also save you money on gas and improve your health.
Get Involved
The fight against global warming requires that we act not only as consumers, but also as citizens. Government actions like renewable energy grid requirements, transportation spending, infrastructure investments and general energy policy can have a major impact on national and global carbon emissions. Whether you choose to get involved at a local, national or global level, joining the fight against global warming by petitioning your government, voting for candidates who advocate positive change, supporting environmental initiatives and organizing your fellow citizens can let your government know that people care about this issue and catalyze positive change.