Main Topics About Global Warming
The primary cause of global warming is the release of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are produced by the combustion and emission of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, which are the main sources of power for cars, homes and industry. An accompanying cause of global warming is massive deforestation, particularly in tropical areas. Trees act as the lungs for the Earth and work to absorb harmful carbon dioxide emissions. In a 2009 article, the Nature Conservancy states that logging and forest loss account for 17 percent of the emissions responsible for climate change.
As global warming causes a rise in average temperatures around the globe, it sets off a number of negative environmental reactions. Among the most immediate effects is the rapid melting of glaciers and ice sheets in the polar regions. According to research released in 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that the world's waters will elevate by roughly two feet over the coming century, a rise that poses grave threats to coastal areas and islands. Additionally, the increasing release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere coincides with a reduction in forests and areas of tropical vegetation, which otherwise work to effectively capture carbon dioxide emissions. The absence of carbon capture results in an increase of acid rain and other pollutants into the atmosphere, which acidify oceans and harm plant, human and animal life.
Despite the acknowledgment on the part of scientists and international agencies, such as the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, debates continue to rage over the extent to which global warming is taking place. Moreover, skeptics abound as to both whether global warming is a real phenomenon, and whether it is man-made and not a product of natural variations in the Earth's climate.
Important topics on the subject of climate change are the solutions that can be undertaken by individuals, nations and industry to prevent further harm and to offset some of the damage that has already taken place. From planting trees to adopting clean-air standards to carbon capture, there are numerous possible interventions available for members of both the public and private sector. The nonprofit organization Stop Global Warming offers individuals a comprehensive list of suggestions for actions they can take to reduce their personal potentially negative impact on the Earth.