The Effects of CO2 on Global Warming
Sources of Carbon Dioxide
In studying and analyzing the effects carbon dioxide has on global warming, it is of paramount importance to know where the CO2 comes from. The greatest source of carbon dioxide is from burning of fuels. Petroleum and gas plants, coal and auto mobiles play a big role in the emission of carbon dioxide. Deforestation also causes the amount of global carbon dioxide to increase drastically. This is because the carbon dioxide which would have been used by the trees for photosynthesis is released to the Earth's atmosphere. Electricity is also a factor leading to carbon dioxide emissions. In the U.S. for example, electricity contributes to around 41 percent of carbon dioxide emissions.
CO2 Blanket
When carbon dioxide is released into the earth's atmosphere, it can remain there for one to two centuries. While in the atmosphere, the carbon dioxide gas forms a blanket-like layer. This blanket absorbs heat energy released from the Earth and prevents its release to the atmosphere. This results in accumulation of heat and thereby causes a significant temperature rise on earth.
Effects of Global Warming
Effects of global warming are profound and even devastating. One major effect is warming of water. When temperatures of waters in oceans rise, probability of numerous and stronger hurricanes also increases. Moreover, increased water temperatures can lead to major deaths of aquatic life. The most disastrous effect is the melting of polar ice caps. Melting of the polar ice caps leads to a significant rise in sea levels, thereby encroaching adjacent lands. When the polar ice melts, desalination of ocean water further endangers marine life.
Curbing Global Warming
To reduce global warming, carbon dioxide levels has to be checked. Planting of trees goes a long way in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. Taking public transport instead of private vehicles also curbs carbon dioxide levels. This is because public transport carries many people and consumes less fuel per person, as opposed to private cars.