How to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Ideas
Cut down on unnecessary energy use. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. Also, be cognizant of "vampire" power, or the power that appliances pull even when they aren't turn on; unplug an appliance when you are not using it.
Limit your water usage. Take showers instead of baths. If you have a dishwasher, run it instead of washing by hand. Replace your standard faucets or shower heads with low-flow options.
Repurpose whenever possible. Instead of throwing things away, give them a new lease on life. Use the bucket that your kitty litter came in as an organizational tool in the garage or home office. Save newspapers and other scrap paper to use in packing breakables when you move or for setting under hot pans before you place them on the table to prevent scorching.
Set up a recycling center. You may be more likely to follow through with your recycling plans if you have a center set up specifically for recycling. Create a center with different bins next to your trash area to make your recycling efforts a breeze. Dedicate bins to newspaper, glass, aluminum and any other recyclable materials that you use in abundance.
Get crafty with your trash. If you are artistic, save some of your trash to turn into art. Create collages with paper trash, or use colorful images to decoupage boxes or otherwise decorate your space. Create a scraps box for anything that you think you can reuse, and review the contents of the box regularly to get some inspiration.
Carpool with coworkers. Instead of driving yourself to work daily, gather a group of eco-minded coworkers and arrange a carpool. By doing so, you can reduce the amount of fuel that you consume. Also, in some places, you may even benefit from getting to use a faster carpool lane as a reward for your good deed.
Give used objects a new lease on life. When you tire of things like furniture and clothing, don't toss them out. Instead, donate them to a philanthropic organization that runs thrift stores. If you are looking to change your wardrobe or pick up some inexpensive furnishings, shop at these thrift stores yourself instead of buying new.