Important Ways to Go Green
Give up bottled water. Avoid buying drinks packaged in plastic bottles. Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year and more than 75 percent of plastic bottles not recycled. Forty-seven million gallons of oil are used to make those bottles.
Fly Less
You can save 1 ton of CO2 every time you take the train or even drive instead of taking a mid-range flight. One ton is equivalent to one year of recycling. Call or video conference instead of flying if you can avoid it.
If you stop consuming meat you can reduce your carbon footprint. The meat industry is a leading producer of carbon emissions. The resources needed to raise, move and slaughter animals is much higher than the energy needed to grow vegetables. Grow your own vegetables. Even if you grow one small pot of tomatoes on the window sill you are reducing carbon emissions.
Ask your power utility if they can enroll you in a green power program. This will allow you to use wind power or another renewable energy source. If the utility does not have such an option, pressure them to get one. Install ceiling fans in your home. Shut out sunlight in summer and let it in during winter. Turn the heat down and put on a sweater. Seal cracks in attics, windows and doors. Wash laundry in cold water and dry it on a clothesline if you have room to put one up. Take shorter showers.