How to Ground Yourself While Sleeping
Grounding or "earthing" is a way for our bodies to connect with the Earth's natural surface energy to balance our environment's negative effects. In other words, having ground contact with the Earth's free electrons protects us from frequent exposure to harmful fields and reduces the biological stress levels to which our cells are exposed.
Since sleep is where most of us spend an average of 6-9 hours a day, these key steps can be helpful in giving our bodies the full rest it needs.
Things You'll Need
- Guass meter
- Shielding fabric curtains or bed canopies
- Grounding kits
- Earthing pads
- Shielding bed sheets
- Metal free matress and box spring
- Plants
- Crystals
Evaluate your bedroom electromagnetically with a Bau-Biologist to confirm the magnetic and electrical readings. If this is not an option, you can also purchase or rent a Guass meter to measure the strength of magnetic fields. The reading should not be higher than 0.3 milligauss. Be sure the reading is frequency weighted.
Shielding fabric curtains can serve as a net against external sources of EMFs. Install shielding fabric curtains or bed canopies. These materials have been used to protect against cell towers, wireless communication signals and other high frequency electromagnetic waves.
Connect to the earth's electrical field with grounding kits, earthing pads and shielding bed sheets. These are useful items to increase your protection while you sleep.
Place your metal-free mattress directly on the floor.
Plants in your room can help absorb electrical pollution. Put a plant in a natural pot such as wood or clay on your side table (also made of a natural substance). Take a natural piece of cloth and tie it to one of the table's leg. Tie the other end to a leg of the bed. This strategy is deemed useful since plants draw energy from the earth's core.
Crystals in the bedroom increase states of relaxation, and guard you against EMFs. Display certain crystals or minerals in your room that can serve to shield EMFs. Clear quartz, pyrite stone, malachite, flourite, black obsidian, jasper, amazonite, aventurine, sodalite, tourmaline, turquoise, selenite and blue kyanite can help neutralize emissions.