How to Reduce Ecological Footprints in Schools
Start a recycling a program if one does not already exist. Call your local department of sanitation and ask about recycling services. Set up a designated pick-up time for a recycling truck to pick up recyclable products at your school or drop-off recyclables at a recycling center. Place recycling bins throughout the school and post signs informing people which items and materials are recyclable.
Save energy. Use products that are energy efficient, and connect all electronics to a power strip. Don't forget to turn them off or unplug them at the end of the day. Program all computers, fax machines and printers to switch to "sleep" mode after a period of inactivity to save energy and thus lessen production of greenhouse gases.
Supply the school's kitchen with biodegradable food packaging and utensils. Provide students with biodegradable cups and plates and utensils. Biodegradable materials break down quickly in landfills, and do not harm the environment as much as their non-biodegradable counterparts. Use reusable plates and silverware whenever possible.
Use "green" materials in the classroom. Provide students with recycled notebooks, acid-free glue sticks, pencils made of recycled wood, corn starch pens and rechargeable batteries. All of these materials are environmentally friendly and help reduce your classroom's environmental footprint.
Promote environmentally friendly practices with your students. Encourage students to bring reusable water bottles to class to avoid buying plastic bottles or soda at school. Ask parents to package lunches in reusable containers. Promote taking public transportation whenever possible.