Things People Can Do to Help Air, Water & Land Pollution
Air Pollution
Reducing car travel is a great way to help reduce the carbon emissions produced by a vehicle's exhaust. Consider using public transportation or car pooling for longer distances. For travel within a few square miles of the home, walking or riding a bike is a great way to reduce air emissions and improve physical fitness.
Planting a tree is another good way to help lower air pollution. Trees introduce more oxygen to the environment as they absorb carbon dioxide and other gaseous pollutants.
Water Pollution
Some major contributers to water pollution include factories, farms, mines, waste management facilities and oil refineries. Individuals also contribute to the problem by using items like car wash soap and other household cleaning agents. One important way to help prevent water pollution is to avoid using pesticides, soaps or fertilizers that might run off into water systems.
Using non-toxic cleaning products around the house is another way to help tackle water pollution. Avoid washing items like paintbrushes in the sink, as they generally contain chemical-laden paints that are immediately transported via sewers and introduced into the treated water system.
Land Pollution
Recycle, reduce and reuse is an oft-quoted means of decreasing land pollution. Whether at work or in the home, incorporating a recycle bin helps ensure that recyclable solid waste products are reused and don't end up in a landfill.
Waste management companies are using new technology that allows a range of products and materials to be recycled and used to create new products from recycled paper, plastic, and other materials. Limiting one's use of fertilizers and pesticides can help prevent noxious chemicals from being introduced into fragile ecosystems.
Facts and Statistics
According to one study, each American will produce more than 3,285 lbs. of hazardous waste each year,. The total includes some 30 billion foam cups, 1.8 million disposable diapers, and 220 million tires. More than 80 percent of items that end up in landfills are recyclable.
American vehicle emissions comprise 60 percent of carbon monoxide emissions in the country overall and 95 percent in cities. Annually, some 335,000 Americans die of lung cancer, often as a result of another air pollutant, tobacco smoke.
More than 73 types of pesticides have been discovered in groundwater sources that eventually provide drinking water, and an estimated 1.2 trillion gallons of industrial waste and sewage are released into America's water sources each year.