The Best Types of Reusable Water Containers
Water bottles that are made of different types of plastic can be purchased at a relatively low cost. There are several different types of plastic that can be used. Some are hard plastics and others are the more flexible plastics that can be squeezed to release water. The important thing to remember when using a plastic water bottle is to make sure it does not contain BPA. BPA stands for bisphenol and is usually found in polycarbonate bottles. According to Scientific American, BPA can be dangerous for a person's health and has been linked to cancer.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel water bottles are another popular option. Usually they are just metallic or silver. Since these water bottles are made of stainless steel, they are generally very durable. Stainless steel is heavier than other types of containers. Since they are metal, you cannot freeze or microwave your bottle. Also, some people claim they give their liquids a metallic taste.
Aluminum bottles have become very popular because they come in a wide variety of colors and designs. Aluminum is lightweight and cannot shatter. This is a great benefit if you need your bottle to be light and durable. One disadvantage is the design on your bottle may fade over time if you choose to clean your bottle in the dishwasher. This makes the bottle a little more high maintenance than other containers. As with the stainless steel bottle, some people notice a metallic taste in aluminum bottles as well.
If you merely need a container that will remain in your home, a glass container would be a great option. The benefit of glass is that if it breaks you can just recycle the container, and it can be thrown in the dishwasher for easy cleaning. You also don't have to worry about any chemicals or funny tastes from your bottle.