The Cause of Global Warming

Global warming is the rapid increase in the surface temperature of the Earth since around the year 1900. Although there are a wide range of opinions regarding global warming, the increase in Earth's average temperature over the previous century is proven by statistical fact. In order to understand this phenomenon, one must look at the causes of global warming.
  1. Greenhouse Gases

    • Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases being introduced into the environment. Methane gas and carbon dioxide are two of the major greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. These greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere, causing the planet to warm up by trapping the heat produced by the sun.

    Natural Causes

    • Temperature fluctuation is a natural occurrence on Earth. Over time, the average temperature raises and drops due to natural causes. The release of methane gas from the wetlands and the arctic tundra, explosions on the surface of the sun, massive volcanic eruptions and explosions caused by meteors striking the Earth are all historical natural causes of global climate change. The thing that makes the current climate change more alarming than these previous changes is the addition of man-made greenhouse gases.


    • The burning of fossil fuels like petroleum and coal releases greenhouse gases into the environment, thus adding to global warming. Humans use these fuels to power cars, heat homes and create electricity. Because of medical improvements, the worldwide population has exploded over the last hundred years. More people burning more fossil fuels equals greater damage to the environment than has ever been seen in recorded history. This combination of more people using more fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming.


    • There is no easy solution to global warming. If nothing is done, scientists warn that rainfall patterns will change, ice caps and glaciers will melt and the ranges of certain infectious diseases will change. In some parts of the world, these changes are already happening. The best solutions to global warming are to find alternate sources of energy, like solar, wind or nuclear and to cut pollution from vehicles and power plants that run on fossil fuels. Unfortunately, these changes will take a great deal of time to implement. Purchasing a hybrid car or a car with very high gas mileage, and only driving when it is necessary are two ways to make a difference at a personal level.

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