How to Use Fossil Fuels Wisely
Things You'll Need
- Energy bills
Establishing a Base-Line
Gather all of your energy bills together, including heating, gas and electric bills. Heating oil and gas are both fossil fuels, while electricity is usually drawn from a variety of sources, such as nuclear or renewable. However, it still makes heavy use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.
Establish an average for use in every energy bill category. In the case of bills like heating oil that vary depending on the season, you may want to create two averages, one for heavy-use months and another when the temperature makes heating oil almost unnecessary.
Decide upon reduction targets for each energy category, gradually phasing in major changes in your energy use. For instance, you may want to reduce your electricity use by 20 percent in the first year, but as you are able to invest in new energy-reduction strategies, 50 percent in five years. Make your targets ambitious but achievable.
Record your targets in a place where you will not lose them and will see them regularly, such as on a refrigerator or on a home desk that you use to pay energy bills. These targets will be a frequent reminder to implement your "wise use" strategies.
Home Efficiency
Implement a home weatherization strategy, including insulation and increased environmental performance. Actions like installing additional insulation, switching to double-pained windows and slightly increasing home temperatures in the summer or decreasing them in the winter can significantly reduce your home energy bills and fossil fuel use without sacrificing your comfort. These measures can also save you money on energy use in the long term --- savings that can be invested in further energy improvements.
Switch to energy-efficient appliances. These appliances work just as well as conventional appliances, but with a fraction of the energy. Switching to energy-efficient light bulbs, electronics and larger devices like air conditioners can significantly reduce your overall energy use.
Implement energy-efficient behaviors. Turn off lights as you leave rooms (or install sensors that will do so automatically), do not leave appliances running when not in use, do not leave doors or windows open on extremely hot or cold days, only use the dishwasher when full, unplug appliances that are not used regularly and turn down the water temperature on your washing machine. These small changes add up to big energy savings and improvements in your wise use of fossil fuels.
Reduce, reuse and recycle. Plastic is an oil product and many other wastes also consume huge amounts of energy in transportation and disposal. Getting serious about recycling, reducing home wastes and reusing usable items has a major energy impact.
Purchase a car with good gas mileage as your next automobile. Increases in gas mileage significantly increase fossil fuel efficiency.
Ride a bike or walk whenever possible. This change will benefit your health, your wallet and your environment.
Use mass transit whenever possible. Consider public transportation any time you are going to a transit-accessible destination. Mass transit significantly reduces per capita energy use.
Carpool as often as you can. If you have to use a car, organize a carpool with friends or family and try to be efficient with your trips, completing a number of tasks in the area every time you travel.