Ways to Reduce the Carbon Footprint for Kids
Alternate Transportation
If you are within walking distance of your destination, choose to walk rather than having your parents drive you there. Especially on nice days, you can ride your bike, skateboard or Rollerblades to your destination. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint by eliminating the pollution a car would produce to take you to where you're going, you'll also be getting exercise. If your destination is further than you can comfortably walk, take mass transit such as a bus, train or subway.
Shop Locally
When products are produced or food is grown in a different part of the country, these products must be transported in order to be sold and consumed in your area. Even more fuel is used and carbon emissions released by transportation systems that bring in goods from other countries. Buying local goods can help reduce fuel usage and carbon emissions by eliminating the need to transport anything. Talk to your parents about the benefits of buying local products. Local farmers markets are good sources of produce grown in the area. Gifts for special occasions can be found at local craft fairs. Because local goods don't have to be transported very far, they are sometimes cheaper than imported products, which will also help your family save money.
Eating Habits
By changing your eating habits, you can reduce carbon emissions. Cooking at home helps eliminate trips to fast food joints and restaurants. This reduces pollution emissions from driving. You can grow some of your own food at home by creating a garden. Eating home-grown food also eliminates the need for transportation to get your food to you. For a more drastic approach, you can reduce your consumption of meat and dairy products. Methane is released by cows in mass quantities on meat and dairy farms. Their waste, when decomposing, also releases greenhouse gases. If fewer people consume meat and dairy products, this means fewer cows, goats and sheep will be needed to supply food. This reduces greenhouse gases from raising the animals and transporting meat.
Reuse and Recycle
Many consumer products have parts that can be recycled or reused. By reusing and recycling these products, fewer new products need to be produced. Producing new products releases carbon emissions into the atmosphere which can be reduced or eliminated by recycling. Food products can also be recycled by creating a compost pile. This means food scraps don't have to be trucked away to a landfill where they will contribute to the greenhouse gases being released from the dump. Compost can also be used to return nutrients to the soil to grow produce and other plants without the need for artificial fertilizers, which are often produced with petrochemicals.