Forms of Human Conveniences That Cause Global Warming
Convenient forms of transportation that use fossil fuels have contributed greatly to global warming. In wealthy, industrialized countries, many people drive their own cars rather than bike, walk or use public transportation. Travel by airplanes is also convenient and affordable for many people. In suburban and rural areas, however, the absence of public transportation makes cars a necessity rather than a convenience.
Humans are used to conveniences that run on electricity for their comfort and entertainment. Household appliances and electronics such as refrigerators, televisions, radios, and computers cause greenhouse gas emissions during manufacturing and while in use. Frequent use of air conditioners, fans, heaters and furnaces contributes to global warming. Sometimes it is more convenient for people to turn up the heat than to put on a sweater. Most electricity comes from power plants that burn fossil fuels.
Convenience Foods
Convenience foods contribute to global warming in several ways. People expect the convenience of eating fruits and vegetables out of season. Many foods are delivered by trucks and airplanes from far away, so eating non-local vegetables and fruits increases the use of fossil fuels. Fast foods, such as hamburgers, increase greenhouse gases because fossil fuel energy is used to grow cattle feed, transport the cattle to slaughterhouses, package and store the products, and deliver the food to restaurants. Packaged frozen foods and processed foods often come in wasteful plastic containers.
People use many disposable goods for their convenience. Throw-away plastic water bottles, juice bottles and juice boxes are a few examples. Fossils fuels are used during the manufacturing of these items. Using individually wrapped, small containers tends to increase greenhouse gas emissions. Using disposable shopping bags contributes to global warming. According to Clean Water Action, an average shopper uses enough disposable bags to emit 13.4 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year. Personal products, such as disposable razorblades and plastic toothbrushes, are other modern conveniences. Using paper towels instead of reusable sponges or cleaning rags contributes to deforestation, another cause of global warming.
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