What Effects Slow Down Global Warming?
Alternative Energy
The effects of alternative energy use slow down global warming by reducing the release of gas emissions such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, which can contribute to climate change. By using methods such as solar, wind, geothermal, and even nuclear power, emissions are reduced significantly and in some cases even completely eliminated in comparison to more environmentally harmful methods of energy like oil and coal.
The effects of reforestation also help slow global warming by removing carbon dioxide from the air. Trees and other plants are nature's oxygen makers. The trees pull carbon dioxide from the air and use it to create energy through photosynthesis. The carbon portion of this is stored inside the tree, while the oxygen is released back into the environment. Carbon dioxide is a gas associated with climate change, so trees act as a filter, creating oxygen that other living creatures, including humans, need to create energy and survive, while reducing the effects of the gas on the environment.
Vehicle Improvements
The advances in vehicle production can also slow the rate of global warming by reducing the rate in which climate change gases are released into the air. The leading factor in this effect is the move from oil for running cars to a dual fuel method, more commonly known as a hybrid technology, or also the move to using electricity or other energy sources that do not emit harmful gases as a byproduct of running the vehicle. Although the creation and transportation of the cars to the dealers can still impact the environment, the reduction in car emissions can be substantial, especially considering that in 2004 alone, an estimated more than 314 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions were released into the environment from just personal vehicles, according to the Environmental Defense Fund. This does not count the amount of gas released from commercial vehicles.
Global Dimming
An unfortunate effect that reduces global warming but creates devastating side effects is global dimming. Global dimming is the process in which ash, soot and other particles from pollution get stuck in the atmosphere and change cloud formation. This creates a reflective layer that reflects the energy of the sun away from the Earth, reducing the temperature impacts of global warming. Unfortunately, these pollutants create hazards for those with respiratory problems, and also create smog and contribute to the formation of acid rain.