Uses of the Solar Power Source
Active Solar Heating
Active solar heating is a system whereby fluid or air is heated in a device known as a solar energy collector. There are two types of active solar heating systems, determined by what is heated in the solar energy collector. For instance, the liquid-based systems function by heating water or an antifreeze solution in a collector known as a hydronic collector, while the air-based systems function by heating air in an air collector. The function of these systems is to collect energy from the sun in the form of solar radiation, transfer the solar heat to a storage system from where the heat is distributed. The liquid system is often used for radiant heating, and for boilers with hot water radiators. The advantage of active solar heating systems is the fact that they are more cost-effective than common heating fuels such as propane and oil, or electricity.
Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems convert the sun's radiation into electricity. This source of electricity has several advantages --- it requires minimal maintenance, it is renewable and it is simple to use once it is installed. Another advantage of PV systems is the fact that they can be installed in remote areas; for example, PV powered pumps can be used by farmers to water livestock on remote grazing areas. PV systems can also be used to power street lights, billboards, highway signs, navigational buoys and traffic lights.
Solar Food Drying
Solar energy is used in agriculture for food drying. This method of harnessing the sun's energy involves the installation of a solar wall system in a drying plant. This solar wall allows air warmed by the sun rays falling on the solar panels to pass into the drying plant, increasing the temperature indoors to a high degree. This type of drying method can be used for rice, spices, cocoa, beans, coffee, tea and timber. The advantages of this method are that this drying system does not cause any pollution, it is low cost and low maintenance and it is perfect for drying delicate foods.
Solar Swimming Pool Heaters
Solar swimming pool heaters can be used to significantly reduce the cost of swimming pool heating. Solar swimming pool heaters are made up of a solar collector (which is a device through which pool water is circulated to be heated by the sun), a filter, a pump and a flow control valve. The advantage of the solar pool heater is the fact that they are more cost-effective than gas and heat pump pool heaters.