How to Report an Ignored Sewage Leak on Private Property
Things You'll Need
- State agency numbers
- Camera
Determine the address of the sewage leak. If the private property number is too far away to locate from a distance outside the property lines, write down landmarks, mile markers or subdivision names. Remain outside the property line to avoid legal implications of trespassing. Write descriptive details about the leak such as the odor, if it is fully viewable, approximate size of leak, what color of liquid and consistency characteristics.
Contact your local state health or environmental agency. Speak with an actual person over the phone or physically go to the local office. Report the leak and how you found it. The official will ask a series of questions to help gain precise details about the property, as well as any descriptions of the leak substance. Notify the official of any children or possible persons in the area that may be in danger, including neighbors and animals.
Fill out an online complaint form. Most state agencies offer access to an online portal for consumer advocacy (see Resources). Email the agency or fill out an online complaint form when available. Prepare by having all details and property information on hand. Check back within a day or two to confirm the complaint has been received.
Contact the local authorities. Report the sewage leak to your local sheriff's office and give details of possible dangers to bystanders including children and animals. Ask for the procedures it plans to follow, and write down a contact person to follow up with at a later date. Keep notes or a copy of the report to give to the state agency to assure the problem is being handled.