What Products Are Produced From Recycled Materials?
Recycled Metal Products
Aluminum cans are just one of many products made from recycled metals. Recycled metals are re-fabricated into many consumer and industrial products. Recycled aluminum is used to manufacture cans, aluminum foil, building materials such as windows, gutters and trim; as well as fences, railings and cookware.
Recycled copper accounts for nearly 50 percent of the copper sold in the United States. It is used in applications as diverse as copper pipes, wire and copper-clad cookware.
Scrap steel is melted down and refabricated to make everything from steel beams used in construction to tin cans. Steel from scrapped cars and trucks may find new life as in a brand new vehicle.
Recycled Paper Products
Recycling one ton of newsprint saves approximately 17 trees Almost any paper product made with virgin (new) paper can be produced from recycled paper without sacrificing quality. Recycled paper products commonly found in stores include writing paper, printing or copier papers, toilet tissue, napkins, poster board, decorative wrapping paper, paper cups and greeting cards. Many newspapers are now printed primarily on recycled paper.
Recycled products dominate some paper goods categories, but lag behind in other areas such as writing paper, where recycled products account for only 10% of the sales volume.
Recycled Wood Products
Picnic tables can be made from recycled composite lumber Waste wood fibers from sawdust are combined with waste plastic to manufacture wood/plastic composite lumber. Composite Lumber is used in construction for decking material, door frames and window frames. It is also used in the manufacture of picnic tables. Composite lumber is ideal for outdoor applications because it resists insects, moisture penetration and rotting.
Another way of recycling wood is re-purposing. Wood products from old buildings is salvaged and used in other applications such as furniture manufacture or new construction. Another example of re-purposing is using weathered wood from old barns as decorative paneling.
Recycled Glass Products
Most glass bottles contain at least 25 percent recycled glass. All glass is recyclable. The majority of glass bottles and jars contain a minimum of 25 percent recycled glass. Recycled glass is also used in decorative glassware accents such as vases and beads.
Recycled glass has more prosaic uses as well. Crushed glass is often used as a filtering agent in water treatment facilities and swimming pools.
Smooth-edged pieces of colored, broken glas that washes up on beaches after being scoured by water,sand and rocks is called "sea glass" and is a popular decorative item often displayed in clear glass vases or jars.
Recycled Plastic Products
Products made of recycled plastics are found everywhere. Products containing recycled plastics include everything from water bottles to carpet to outdoor furniture and playhouses. Building materials such as composite lumber incorporate recycled plastics, as do many floor tiles.
Many common household items contain recycled plastics. These include trash bags and garbage can liners, detergent bottles,pens, toys, shower curtains and recycling containers, to name just a few.