The Best Way to Kill Bed Bugs
Detecting a Bed Bug Problem in Your Home
The best indication that you have bed bugs in your home is waking up several times a week or even several times a month with several bites on your body. These bites do not look all that different from any other bug bite, although they may appear in lines in one concentrated area, as the bug used the same blood vessel to suck blood from the human. If you wash your sheets and ensure the bed is free of fleas or other possible answers and you're still being bit, bed bugs are a likely cause and it's time to take action.
Treatment of Your Bed
Treating your bed is not difficult. Buy silicon dioxide powder, which is not toxic to humans or animals and is readily available at most home improvement stores as well as feed stores. Sprinkle this around your bed and on your mattress surface, then place your sheets over the powder. This powder works well because when the bed bugs come into contact with it, their bodies will be coated and they'll become dehydrated and die.
Treatment of Your Home
It's important to realize that when you have bed bugs in your bed, chances are that they are in other areas of your home. Sprinkle the powder around the perimeters of all the rooms and in and around furnishings. Because the powder is not toxic, this will keep bed bugs at bay. If you keep the powder sprinkled for about a month, you should eliminate the bugs.
In serious infestations, you may need to contact a professional pest control service. Most people find that this simple non-toxic powder is an effective means of doing away with the bed bug problem that is plaguing their home.