Underwater Ocean Plants
Kelp is an alga that is found in the shallow parts of the ocean. This plant has a tendency to grow in groups, which creates kelp forests. A kelp forest not only serves as a food source for marine life, but also as a protection from predators. Due to the density of the forest, fish, birds and other animals can hide within kelp forests to escape from enemies who are preying on them. Kelp forests have the most success growing in cold waters.
If you've ever swum in the ocean and became entangled in a slimy, rope-like plant -- that you almost mistook for a jellyfish -- then you have had an encounter with seaweed. Seaweed is an ocean plant without roots, which is why it grows against rock formations. Eventually, the seaweed breaks away and floats around the ocean or washes ashore. The Western coast of Australia is home to over 1,000 species of seaweed, but only 400 species of seaweed around the world are safe for human consumption and use. Sushi rolls, cosmetics and medicine are but a few of the uses that humans have identified for seaweed. Oceanic animals, on the other hand, rely on seaweed for nutrients and satiation.
Eelgrass is a type of seagrass that grows in shallow waters. It was given its name due to the resemblance of its long grass blades to that of the shape of eels. Eelgrass is a popular hiding spot for crabs and other ocean-bottom dwellers that need shelter; they are also used as a food source. Eelgrass meadows are areas of concentrated eelgrass.
Rhodophyta, known as red algae, is a type of algae that is identified by its unique pigment. The red, blue and purple colors that red algae are found in are attributed to a pigment known as phycoerythrin. Many ocean animals eat red algae as food; it is also used in a variety of human cuisine. This ocean plant is able to survive in deeper parts of the ocean because of its pigment structure.