What Chemicals Are Used to Kill Dust Mites?
Boron is a naturally occurring chemical that is similar to borax, which is often found in laundry detergents. Boron is a compound known to be nontoxic, unscented and non-flammable. When water is added to the boron powder compound, it becomes a powerful liquid ready to be sprayed on carpets and upholstered furniture to combat dust mites. Boron can be applied every two to three months to eliminate dust mites in mattresses, carpets and linens.
Tannic Acid
Tannic acid is a chemical often used to treat a home infested with dust mites. Tannic acid has been found to be especially useful when dealing with cat allergens. Tannic acid is a synthetic product that comes from tannin, an astringent compound known to break down the proteins found in many indoor allergens. Tannic acid neutralizes the waste products from dust mites, but does not kill the mites.
Benzyl Benzoate
Benzyl benzoate is a chemical compound used for eradicating the allergens associated with dust mites. The health risks for benzyl benzoate appear to be slight given that benzoates are quickly broken down in the body into hippuric acid and expelled in urine. Most studies on using benzyl benzoate for dust mites have been done in Europe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will need to make recommendations on its use before it is approved for use in the United States.
Silicone is a substance made up of organic and inorganic polymers. Silicone is found in diatomaceous earth, which is compressed freshwater organisms and marine fossils. Silicone is extracted from diatomaceous earth and made into a powder useful in treating a variety of pest control issues including dust mites. Using diatomaceous earth powder on furniture and bedding should be avoided as prolonged exposure to the product may be harmful.
Pyrethrins, poisonous pesticides which are extracted from the chrysanthemum flower, are commonly used in pest control. Before using this product, it is important to know whether the people living in the home are allergic to pyrethrins. This chemical is effective in getting rid of dust mites, but should be used with caution.