Ways to Combat Greenhouse Effects
Reduce Deforestation
Deforestation refers to activities that remove trees so that an area of land can be converted to another use. Deforestation has been linked to global warming because trees absorb carbon dioxide. CO2 is one of the atmospheric gases -- in addition to nitrous oxide and methane -- that reflect the sun's rays back to the Earth's surface, leading to temperature increases. Trees also release oxygen and absorb carbon monoxide. But when the number of trees is reduced, the level of carbon monoxide increases, leading to a rise in the greenhouse effect. Planting trees helps reduce the greenhouse effect.
Another efficient way to reduce the greenhouse effect is to recycle products. A lot of things can be recycled, like paper, plastic, glass and aluminum cans. Recycling reduces the amount of energy used in industrial processes by lowering the need to extract and process raw materials. It also reduces the emissions from incinerators and landfills. Recycling paper reduces the need to cut down trees to make paper, and that reduces deforestation.
Change Your Energy Sources
The greenhouse effect can be combated by changing energy sources. Sustainable sources of energy include solar, wind, hydro and biomass. Not only will these help reduce the greenhouse effect and counter climate change, but they are beneficial as well, since they represent practically inexhaustible sources of energy.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Carbon footprint is a concept used to measure the impact of people's daily choices and activities, and how they affect the environment. A "footprint" is used to measure the amount of greenhouse gases people produce through activities like using electricity and burning fossil fuel. Carbon footprints can be reduced by making changes in daily habits. For instance, instead of driving to work, you could walk, take the subway or bike. This reduces the emissions from having too many vehicles on the road.