Environmental Monitoring Agencies
Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal agency that serves to protect the health and condition of the environment and, therefore, its inhabitants. The Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program is a monitoring program within the EPA, which is responsible for overseeing specific environmental studies to understand current ecological trends and identify future forecast patterns. The EMAP evaluates how particular resources look now through a data collection process, and analyzes the information to assess what the same resources will look like in the future. This valuable information can help scientific researchers come up with a plan for resource conservation.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is an organization that keeps a watch over the environmental conditions in Minnesota. The agency pays particular attention to eco-issues like emissions, air quality, lake water quality, acid rain deposition and the impact of the environment on animals, such as frogs. Members of the agency work in the field collecting data and making sure that natural resources are being used the way they are intended through condition evaluations. For instance, the agency will test the nutrient levels in the lakes to gauge how polluted the waters are. Data records are maintained and used for comparative analysis.
Environmental Monitoring, Inc.
Environmental Monitoring, Inc. has been around since 1983 and works as a professional environmental monitoring service. Companies and government agencies can hire EMI as environmental consultants who will monitor environmental conditions through field work, and provide them with feedback about how compliant or noncompliant they are with environmental regulations. EMI monitors air, mines and water and specializes in oil and gas surveys. The company has a full laboratory, which is used to run tests on ecological samples taken in the field. Their findings are used to help other companies improve their environmental standing.
The GEL Group, Inc.
The GEL Group, Inc. is a private company that watches over various phases of industrial projects to monitor environmental conditions. The GEL Group, Inc. will evaluate air quality, emissions, greenhouse gases, industrial hygiene and waterfront planning activities for construction jobs and other large scale projects, so that their clients can be compliant with environmental regulations.
Ecosphere Environmental Services
Ecosphere Environmental Services is a small environmental business that works in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah managing construction projects for environmental standards and conditions. The company performs various environmental assessments to determine air and water quality, as well as helps clients identify hazardous substances within worksites. Ecosphere Environmental Services provides information to project and construction managers to help make smarter project choices when it comes to staying within environmental laws.