Earth Day Fund-Raising Ideas
Reusable Grocery Bags
Many people go grocery shopping and throw away, or recycle, the brown paper bags after their groceries are put away. Even if the bags end up in the recycle bin, it can cut down on the production of such bags if consumers used the same bags over and over again. As a fund-raiser idea, have students collect brown paper grocery bags and paint them with environmental pictures, such as trees, globes, animals and flowers. When the bags dry, set up a booth for a fund-raiser and sell the reusable grocery bags for $1 each. The idea is for people to purchase the artistic bags and reuse them so that they do not need to use new bags every time they shop for groceries.
Natural Goodies
See if students and their parents will help with baking goodies or putting together snack bags for an Earth Day fund-raiser. Since the fund-raiser is in honor of Earth Day, make the snacks healthy. For instance, an organic trail mix with peanuts, carob chips and sunflower seeds can be a tasty treat for a midday snack. The trail mix can be presented in a nice bag. Or, students and parents can make baked goods, such as almond bars made from almond meal, eggs, honey and vanilla extract.
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Service
Have your students create eco-friendly cleaning products made of vinegar, water, lemon oil and baking soda. For the fund-raiser, see if students can get their parents to pay for them to clean their home with the eco-friendly cleaning agents. Students can charge a small fee, and then put the money earned toward the fund-raising fund. Perhaps some students can even offer the service to relatives and family friends to clean their houses, too.
Yard Sale
Yard sales promote the reuse of items that are pre-owned. The concept of reusing things is relevant to Earth Day, so have your class host a yard sale at school. You can create flyers and advertise in the community so that you attract more customers. Have each student bring in a few items that can be sold for a small price. See if parents will volunteer to assist with manning the yard sale, especially if you decide to host it on the weekend.