How Can I Get Rid of Skunks?
Things You'll Need
- Plastic great horned owls
- Lawn insect chemicals
- 1.2-inch plywood
- Heavy cardboard (optional)
- Peanut butter
- Raw eggs
- Pet food
- Sardines
- Raw chicken
Place plastic great horned owls strategically around your property, which help deter skunks. You can also find blow-up owls. Move these owls around whenever necessary. Great horned owls eat skunk sand other small- to medium-sized mammals.
Control the insects living just beneath the surface of the soil in your yard that skunks enjoy eating, such as grub worms. Garden supply stores and hardware stores sell chemicals to use on your lawn. Ensure the chemicals you purchase for use on your lawn cannot harm your pets.
Make a live trap for skunks by covering a grid cage with 1/2-inch plywood or heavy cardboard to help reduce the possibility of being sprayed by the skunk. Place your trap where you see the most activity of skunks, keeping your trap away from under buildings, for instance. Use food such as peanut butter, raw eggs, pet food, raw chicken and sardines as bait for skunks. Contact animal control in your area for assistance in moving a trapped skunk -- it may be illegal in your state to move the skunk yourself, since these wild animals can spread disease to other people and other animals.
Keep skunks away from the chickens you raise by keeping the fences or walls in good condition and by keeping your poultry in a sturdy house. Skunks gain entry by digging under fences or through loose places in the building or fence.