Solar Sources of Alternative Energy
Concentrating Solar Power (CSP)
The primary way to collect solar energy is through the use of concentrating solar power technologies. CSP technologies utilize a reflective system to direct the incoming sunlight towards receivers that store and convert solar energy into electricity or heat. Mirrored solar panels are a common technology associated with concentrating solar power. Panels with reflective surfaces are effective for focusing light, and the more panels that are present in a solar plant, the more power the solar energy can generate once it is converted to heat or electricity.
Solar Water Heaters
Solar water heaters are alternative technological systems that take the sun's heat and offer homes and commercial buildings hot water. A solar water heater system uses similar technologies as concentrating solar power systems in that the solar heat must first be captured and received by reflectors. The energy that is collected heats the water that is already situated within the water storage tank. Once the solar energy has run its course through the solar water system, the water is ready to move through pipes and be received by homes or buildings.
Photovoltaic Cells
Photovoltaic cells, also called photovoltaic devices, are responsible for converting sunlight into electricity. These devices are the basis of alternative energy sources and are necessary for effectively capturing large quantities of energy. Photovoltaic cells can be bound together to create modules. Many modules can be put together to create arrays, which offer a wider span of sunlight reflecting activity. Having more arrays results in capturing more solar energy and converting it into electricity.
Solar Thermal Collectors
Solar thermal collectors are types of concentrating solar power technologies that use the heat captured directly from the sun and concentrate the heat so that temperatures rise and can become useful. These specific technologies are often seen in the form of large dishes covered in reflective panels. The goal of this solar source is to generate heat as opposed to other technologies which convert the kinetic energy of the sun into electricity.