How to Recycle Plastic Bottles in Ocala, Florida
Separate your plastic recyclables from glass and metal. Each different type of recyclable goes into its own bin at the recycling centers. Do not mix material types.
Look at the number grade of your plastic bottles. Ocala recycling centers accept all plastic bottles with numbers one through five and number seven. Number six graded bottles are not accepted. Most recyclable plastic bottles have the number located somewhere near the bottom of the bottle.
Prepare your bottles. Remove and discard all lids or caps. Rinse out each plastic bottle and step on it to flatten. This helps to maximize the amount of space in the recycling bins at the drop-off locations. According to the Marion County website, oil containers are not recyclable.
Locate the nearest recycling center. Marion County has five recycling drop-off centers in the city of Ocala, mostly located on the outskirts of town. When you have reached your location, find the bin for plastics and place your bottles inside. If you require assistance, each of the drop-off sites is staffed.