Proper Chemical and Elemental Disposal: How and Where?
Chemical wastes must be packaged in sealable containers with threaded screw-on lids. If possible, place the chemical waste in the original container for disposal. Do not completely fill the container, and leave space at the top for chemical expansion. Make sure that the chemical and the container are compatible.
When disposing of elemental compounds such as mercury, place the waste in a polyethylene container that has a screw-on lid. The container must not weigh more than 20 lbs. and should be inspected for cracks, leaks and holes. For broken thermometers, collect the broken glass and place in an airtight, sealed plastic container with a screw-on lid.
Prior to disposal, label the container with the name of the chemical along with the words "hazardous waste."The Environmental Protection Agency advises calling your local collection agency for local chemical disposal and recycling services. You can also visit the website (see Resource) to find hazardous waste collection services in your area.