Causes of Everyday Air Pollution
Natural Causes of Air Pollution
Volcanoes and wildfires are both common natural causes of air pollution. The smoke from wildfires enters the atmosphere, contributing to the air pollution problem. When volcanoes erupt, sulfur and ash are introduced into the air, increasing the pollution in the air. Another common cause of air pollution that occurs in nature is the methane gas that is released when animals digest food.
Industrial Causes of Air Pollution
Mining, deforestation and oil refineries all play a part in increasing air pollution. Despite regulations placed on industrial operations, toxins continue to be released into the environment daily. These chemicals enter the atmosphere and react with existing chemicals, which does serious damage to the ozone layer.
Human Sources of Air Pollution
Items we use everyday can contribute to air pollution. Varnish, hairspray, tobacco smoke and automobiles are just a few examples of products with fumes that are harmful to us. When we use furnaces or fireplaces, we are adding dangerous chemicals into the air. We cannot completely remove these activities and products from our daily lives. However, reducing the use of aerosol spray, for example, can help decrease the damage to the environment.