How to Kill Rodents Underground
Things You'll Need
- Terrier dog
- Cat
- High-pressure garden hose
- 5-gallon bucket
- Wooden ramp
- Water
- Sunflower seeds
- Traps
- Poison
- Baby powder
- Wooden crates
- Refuse bag
Moles and Chipmunks
Get a terrier dog to dig up and kill as many of these rodents as possible. Also, when chipmunks come aboveground to eat, cats have a chance to catch and kill them. A cat is also a good weapon to keep against most other rodents. Ensure your pets are vaccinated against rabies, however, as chipmunks can be carriers.
Use a high-pressure garden hose and blast water through the rodents' burrows and tunnels to drive them out. Have your terrier and cat close by to catch the emerging animals. Flood the rodents' tunnels on a regular basis. They may decide to move elsewhere.
Set a five-gallon bucket up with a wooden ramp leading up to the rim. Fill the bucket to the top with water and float sunflower seeds on the surface. When chipmunks leave their burrows to look for food, some may climb for the seeds, fall into the water and be unable to get out.
Place chipmunk and mole traps at the entrance to burrows and tunnels.
Push poisons into the entrance of mole tunnels and chipmunk burrows. Poison grain baits, gel tubes or gummy worms are manufactured for this purpose. Keep small children and pets away from the areas where you have placed the poisons.
Tunneling Rats
Put electric traps at the point where the rats go underground and along pathways they use to get to food and water overground. Sprinkle baby powder to determine the paths rats take. Norway rats build a network of underground tunnels as their population grows, which happens quickly. The trick to getting rid of these rodents is to trap or kill them faster than they can repopulate, which can be a challenge.
Bait the traps with food that is high in protein or carbohydrates. Rats prefer those foods.
Set the traps and place wooden crates over them, leaving a space for the rats to enter the traps.
Walk around and check all the traps every 24 hours and dispose of any rats killed humanely by the traps' massive electric shock. A green light on the trap indicates that a rat is inside. Pour the rat into a refuse sack without touching it and tie the bag at the top.
Rebait any traps that have been used.