How to Help America Go Green
Educate the public by providing basic information on green websites and blogs. Set up a booth at a green market or a local event. Supply basic information on recycling, riding a bike to work, using energy-efficient appliances, using canvas bags for shopping, and restricting water usage.
Talk with local municipalities and encourage them to provide recycling bins and add bike lanes to local areas. Encourage government to provide discounts or rebates on the installation of solar or wind energy.
Meet with local businesses about providing green sales, such as by offering free, discounted, or buy-one-get-one-free sales to inspire the public to be environmentally conscious. Suggest selling water-saving shower heads as part of a sale or promotion. This will benefit the business by bringing in customers and the public by offering an affordable and easy way to go green.
Recommend local businesses that are going green. Provide information on companies that sell organic products or are eco-friendly in others ways. The more exposure you can provide to the public about these businesses, the easier it will be for people to go green.
Talk with businesses to encourage them to reward employees for riding a bike to work, working from home one day a week, or recycling. Set up a workshop or seminar for employees explaining the importance of going green.
Go to schools and talk to the teachers or administration about incorporating greener behaviors in the classroom. Teaching and inspire children can in turn influence their parents. Consider planting trees, growing vegetables, picking up liter or recycling as project ideas in which to involve students.