Harmful Effects of Freon
Freon remains in the atmosphere for years and eventually reaches the upper atmosphere. The accumulation of Freon particles gathering in the upper atmosphere eventually oxidizes the ozone and inhibits the earth's ability to block harmful rays from the sun. Increasing amounts of these harmful ultraviolet rays have caused mutation of genetic material causing cancer in humans and defects in organic materials.
Vascular System
Breathing in large amounts of Freon in a short period will cause cardiac arrhythmia and severe heart palpitations. These irregular heartbeats are deadly for heart patients and those with a history of heart problems. The most harmful effects take place immediately upon inhalation. Cardiac arrhythmia is accompanied by difficulty breathing, swelling in the throat and pulmonary edema.
Nervous System
Large amounts of inhaled Freon affects the nervous system. Dizziness, light-headedness, incoordination and confusion occur. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports some instances of collapsing and fainting. Effects take place immediately upon inhalation. A feeling of weakness is common along with tingling and numbness or paresthesias.
Gastrointestinal System
Harmful effects in the gastrointestinal system include bloody stools and severe abdominal cramping and pain. Vomiting can occur and may include blood. Burns in the lining of the throat also are present in most cases. If the Freon was swallowed as opposed to inhaled, it can perforate the stomach and cause necrosis, which is the early death of cells and tissue in the human body.