Environmental Problems With Plastic Water Bottles
America's obsession with bottled drinking water coupled with a $60 billion dollar worldwide bottled water industry is wreaking havoc on the environment. Made of polyethylene terephthalate, water bottles can be recycled to make a diverse number of objects, including carpets and sweaters. However, only less than 13 percent are recycled.-
Guzzles Energy
Americans consume more than 8 billion gallons of bottled water yearly, which equates to an $11 billion bonanza in sales for bottled water companies. According to the Earth Policy Institute, 1.5 million barrels of oil are required to manufacture the plastic required for the bottles.
Exacerbates Air Pollution
The transport of 2 billion bottles of water to U.S. ports generates thousands of tons of green house gases or global warming pollution. The bottles that are not recycled are incinerated as trash. The resulting fumes also contribute to air pollution.
Poisons the Oceans
Bisphenol A, a synthetic compound in plastics and epoxy resins, is found in oceans everywhere, according to a survey of 20 areas in 20 nations worldwide. Mimicking estrogen, BPA has been connected to developmental disorders. Soft plastic in seawater disintegrates quickly, releasing the compound.