How to Recycle Hazardous Waste in Tracy, California
Tracy Municipal Airport Collection
Call the Tracy Municipal Airport at 209-831-4331 to find out the date of the next household hazardous waste event.
Identify hazardous waste items in your home and load them into your car. Chemical cleaning products, pesticides, old medicines and photo-developing chemicals are all considered household hazardous waste. Limit your load to 15 gallons or 125 pounds of material, each separately sealed and placed in your car's trunk. Safety is crucial when transporting hazardous waste.
Bring your hazardous waste, on the day specified, to Tracy Municipal Airport at 5749 South Tracy Blvd. to be recycled.
Regional Hazardous Waste Recycling
Call the San Joaquin County Household Hazardous Waste Facility to find out hours and days of operation. The facility can be reached at 209-468-3066.
Load your hazardous waste materials, including chemicals, batteries, oil and pesticides, into your vehicle, making sure to place items in individually sealed containers. Never transport more than 15 gallons or 125 pounds of hazardous waste, sealed in your trunk, in one trip. Again, safety is critical.
Unload the items at the recycling center in Stockton, located at 7850 Bridgeport St.