How to Ventilate a Confined Space
Confined spaces tend to have limited openings for entry and exit, with just enough space for an individual to perform whatever functions for which that space has been designed. Some confined spaces include pumping stations and utility vaults. Many employees have to work in a confined space where there is limited ventilation. It can be dangerous for workers if there is limited oxygen. Therefore, it is important that confined spaces have efficient oxygen supplies.Things You'll Need
- Ventilator
Place an air-powered ventilator at the entrance of the confined space, to provide breathable air. This should be done before an employee enters the work space.
Run the powered ventilator while the employee is working in the confined space. Trained personnel should test the air to determine if oxygen needs to be added (lack of oxygen-enriched air) or removed (high levels of oxygen can increase the risk of fires and explosions). The oxygen level in a confined space should be between 19.5 and 23.5 percent.
Power the ventilator continuously to prevent the hazardous atmosphere from forming again.