Air Pollution Monitoring Devices
2B Technologies Ozone Monitor
The 2B Technologies ozone monitor measures ozone ranging from low parts per billion (ppb) up to 100,000 ppb. This is achieved through the technique of absorption of UV light at 254 nanometers. In comparison to conventional instruments, the 2B ozone monitor is lightweight and has low power consumption (12V DC, 0.33 amp, 4.0 watts). It has been designated by the EPA as a Federal Equivalent Method (FEM). With this designation, this ozone monitor can be used by states and other monitoring agencies under 40 CFR Part 58, Ambient Air Quality Surveillance, for monitoring for compliance with the Clean Air Act. The ozone monitor is ideal for applications such as long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited, personal exposure monitoring for studies of health effects of air pollutants, laboratory studies of the effects of ozone exposure on materials and organisms and environmental health and safety monitoring.
TPI Carbon Monoxide Analyzer
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic gas that when taken in excess can cause harm to humans and animals. Excess inhalation of carbon monoxide can cause pulmonary diseases, brain damage and premature birth in pregnant women. Due to the detrimental effects of this gas, it is important to monitor the levels of CO in the environment. Used to test flue gases at home or office spaces, this carbon-monoxide analyzer provides a clear and fast response with advanced pump-driven technology, according to manufacturers. The TPI carbon-monoxide analyzer has peak hold, a feature that allows it to capture peak CO readings. The device also has a store button that allows up to eight readings to be saved.
Nitrogen Dioxide Monitor Z-1400
Nitrogen dioxide is another dangerous gas. When exposed to oxygen and fuel combustion in vehicles, nitrogen can aggravate lung and heart problems when inhaled in excess. The nitrogen dioxide monitor Z-1400 is ideal for measuring the nitrogen dioxide concentration present in the air. This hand-held device comes with an LCD display that gives concentrations in parts per million.