Types of Basement Drainage Systems

Basement drainage systems draw off water from a building's basement to avoid flooding. These systems are useful in pumping out water from melted snow and sewer drains. These systems are usually set up when the building is being constructed. There are various types of basement drainage systems depending on the design of the building and the resources available.
  1. French Drain System

    • Basement French drains are widely used because they are easy to set up even when a building has already been constructed. French drains are deep trenches dug near a building to capture and redirect water from around the building to another area. They are useful in solving basement drainage problems, especially in a flood-prone area or during heavy rainfall.

    Floor Drain System

    • Basement floor drainage systems are usually installed beneath a building's basement at the time of house construction. They form part of a basement floor and are usually situated at the center of the floor. This usually renders them inconspicuous since they are concealed by the floor. Basement floor drainage systems may also be constructed near a heating source. They are a permanent feature in a building and often add value to a property. They require little maintenance and are long-lasting drains.

    Toilet Drains

    • A drain for a toilet that is located at the basement of a house can be converted into the basement's drainage system. Toilets usually have a system in which water is directed from the toilet into a septic tank, which is usually outside the house. A pipe can be set up to collect any water that may flood in the basement and direct it to the pipe that leads from the toilet to the septic tank. This drainage is simple to set up even when the house is already constructed.

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