Environmental Monitoring Products
Air Quality
For air-quality sampling, scientists use single-channel reference-method samplers, ambient audit-air samplers and ambient fine-particle samplers to monitor particulate matter. They measure ozone using ozone meters or ozone analyzers. Scientists use Carbon monoxide monitoring system devices and analyzers, as well as advanced pollution instrumentation nitrogen dioxide analyzers.
Water Quality
Water-quality sampling consists of collecting data throughout an entire water column using a CTD device. The CTD device measures conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH at specified depths. Secchi discs also measure water quality. They are attached to a measured length of rope and dropped alongside the boat. When the disc is no longer visible, the depth of the disc is recorded. For shallow-water depths, such as surf zones or streams, monitors use handheld meters to measure the pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. In addition, they take water samples to return to a laboratory for analysis on ammonia and bacteria.
A Van Veen sampler collects sediment samples in the ocean. The Van Veen sampler is a device that is lowered from a boat and, upon impact with the ocean floor, it closes and collects sediment samples. The Van Veen is used to analyze both sediment and the invertebrates that are collected during sampling.
Mooring Station
A mooring device collects long-term data of currents, temperature and conductivity in the ocean to monitor oceanographic conditions. This device is used along with the water-quality sampling that occurs on a regular basis.
Trawling is a method that uses a trawl net attached behind a boat to collect benthic (bottom dwelling) fish and invertebrates. This method is used to collect samples to evaluate species types and abundances, as well as monitor for any abnormalities.
Soil can be monitored using soil moisture probes. Scientists install or bury the probes into the soil at varying depths to measure soil moisture, temperature, electrical conductivity, dielectric permativity and voltage.