Harmful Energy Sources
A third of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by burning coal. The carbon in this element mixes with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and is then released into the air. The burning of coal can account for 60 percent of man-made greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to carbon dioxide, coal emits sulfur dioxide, linked to acid rain and increased incidence of respiratory illnesses, nitrogen oxides, linked to the formation of acid rain and photochemical smog, and mercury, linked with both neurological and developmental damage in humans and other animals.
Gasoline contributes to half of today's greenhouse gas emissions. The problem lies in the energy needed to process the oil as well as the burning of gasoline in the transportation sector. Reducing oil refining and converting to greener fuels can help cut harmful gases in a dramatic way. Cleaner options include electric cars, creating more efficient public transportation to reduce car use, and replacing truck freight with electric powered rail freight.
Natural Gas
NaturalGas.org states that natural gas is a cleaner alternative to other fossil fuels and therefore reduces pollution. In 2009, about 25 percent of energy used in the United States came from natural gas. Natural gas is used to produce electricity, paint, fertilizer, plastic, antifreeze, paper, glass, brick, photographic film, medicines, and explosives. Over half of the homes in the United States use natural gas as their main heating fuel. It is also used to fuel stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers, and other household appliances. Natural gas can be harmful if it is not transported or stored properly and natural gas leaks can cause explosions. Use of natural gas also emits harmful greenhouse gases including nitrous oxides, carbon dioxide and methane, and some studies show that the environmental effects may be just as bad as other fossil fuels.